Alternative Education Association of Maine
Empowering Young People's
Educational Journey
The Mission of the Alternative Education Association of Maine is to provide support, guidance and direction to Maine Alternative Educators and the students they serve. We strive to advocate for all those in Maine involved with Alternative Education.
Get Involved with the AEA!
Here are some upcoming ways to do that:
Advocacy, Chris Betts - Anyone is welcome to join the Advocacy Group for the Alternative Education Association. Our first meeting will be on Thursday October 24th from 2:3- to 3:30 (come late, come one, come all) We will meet through a Zoom meeting (Link within).We will be discussing how to recruit more individuals to our association, and how we want to build our website. We are interested in hearing from you your ideas for Alternative Education Advocacy throughout the state of Maine! The DOE has included in their budget a position at the DOE dedicated to Alternative Education. There will be opportunities for our Association to support this as well.
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/87271664171?pwd=b0NYT1RLeFM0WllSN3VsYWxaRDRadz09
AEA Educator of the Year Program, Gail Burke-Myshrall - We will spend time analyzing the current nomination and selection process used for the AEA Educator of the Year Program. How do we ensure a process that is fair and open to all Nominees.The first meeting will take place on Monday, October 21st from 2:15-3:15, see Zoom Meeting Information below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 6944 2917
Passcode: 307708
Grant Writing, Cami Carter - The AEA of Maine hired a professional Grant Writer to provide funding opportunities for Grant proposals which will allow us to "re-grant" the money to local schools to help fund alternative education programs and initiatives. This is really an unprecedented opportunity.
The first meeting will take place Wednesday, November 6, from 3:00-4:00. See details below. Grant Writing sub group for AEA
Wednesday, November 6⋅3:00 – 4:00pm
Curriculum and Certification, Jacqui Holmes - The certification/curriculum meeting is going to be on November 5th at 3:00pm. This group will be exploring Curriculum recommendations and will be looking at a pathway for Alternative Education teachers to become Certified Alternative Ed. Teachers. Here is the meeting information: AEA Certification
Tuesday, November 5 · 3:00 – 4:00pm
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/pya-hxud-vzw
Conference Planning, Lenny Holmes - Help us plan on your Fall and Spring Conferences. We will discuss ideas and format for our conferences. First meeting will be October 24th, 2:30 - 3:30, see details below.
Conference Planning Meeting
Thursday, October 24 · 2:30 – 3:30pm
Time zone: America/New_York
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/diw-ubms-nfn
The 2024 FALL Conference is a
Coming Right Up
November 8th!!
Time: 9:30-1:30 (Lunch will be provided and is included in cost)
Location: University Maine Augusta. Fireside Lounge in Randall Hall
contact Lenny Holmes if you haven't signed up lholmes@bonnyeagle.org

"Alternative education is a perspective, not a procedure or program. It is based upon the belief that there are many ways to become educated, as well as many types of environments and structures within which this may occur."
Raymond Morley 1991