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Become an AEA Member!!


The AEA of Maine extends all benefits of being a member to anyone affiliated with Alternative Education, whether or not you choose to actually join the Association.


The ONLY exception is our Annual Conference.

However, IF you attend the AEA Conference the fee will also cover the membership fee!! What a deal!


Membership Fee is: $125.00/yr


So please join our Association, since membership fees are used to provide you the best conference experience, and our continued advocacy for Alternative Educators.


Membership benefits include:


  • Conference Registration

  • Eligibility to Serve as Regional Reps or Officiers

  • Monthly Informational Letter - Alternative Education Issues

  • Participation at AEA sponsored Activities, including Regional Meetings, State Conferences and other events 

  • Voting Rights for Board of Directors, Officers and Regional Reps

  • Support to the AEA of Maine as it advocates for Maine Alt Ed students 

  • Website access to documents and blogs

  • Prizes for AEA sponsored activities: AEA Educator of the Year, Logo Contest, Student Scholarships….


Please Get Involved!


There are many ways for you to become active with the AEA of Maine, visit our events page for more information.

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